Collaborating to build resilient communities
We take the broadest approach to protecting wildlife. We support the practical aspects of park management and protection, development and tourism whilst working hard to address route causes. It takes time to earn the confidence of the community; this work does not often generate the quick photogenic results that attract charitable donations. For efforts to be sustainable, communities must value and benefit from and not be penalised by the presence of wildlife. Every community has different needs and priorities and this requires the scope of our initiatives to be very diverse. We are very sensitive to local culture and take care not to upset but support traditional leadership structures. Communities must own, value and benefit from their initiatives. Our goal is to help Africa become self sufficient and wean itself off the 'donor dollar'.
A 'Baseline Survey' of the nominated National Park is one of the first steps in a new area; it provides the reference point from which future success can be measured. Work begins as soon as funds from the first related shipment or transaction are received.
Community Engagement
So what makes the F5 approach different? Using a collaborative, inclusive philanthropic approach we engage with communities and work with them to identify their needs and wants. Initiatives are therefore driven from the ground upwards so we deliver what communities actually say they need as opposed to what we think they should have.Â
We identify and agree measurable benefits linking them to wildlife, identify the resources, time and cost. We provide support and any technical expertise required.
Community Development
We are not bound by convention and collaborate with the best available to find and deliver simple cost effective solutions with measureable benefits, We don’t walk away but continue to monitor and support initiatives after delivery until they are fully self sustaining.Â
Training of local national coordinators, gives us empathy with and reach into local communities.
Our programs are designed to make a real, positive, sustainable change in the community. This is an overarching driver for us at Foundation Five.  Communities will not value wildlife if they are struggling daily for the essentials of life: fresh water, food, health and shelter and competing with wildlife for their livelihoods.
The primary objective of our work with communities within and adjacent to National Parks and wildlife migration routes is to promote recognition of the value of wildlife. It is only when communities truly recognise this value that they will they step up and join the effort to prevent poaching. Communities bear the real costs of living with wildlife. They need to protected from and compensated for negative wildlife impacts.
We promote and support initiatives to improve the health of the community. Initaitives therefore might include:
Provision of clinics and / or medical staff to provide medical treatment, care and healing to the Communities.
Homes or accommodation for medical staff.
Vaccination / inoculation programs
Malaria prevention programs
Womens health programs
Park ambulance, fire and rescue equipment and associated volunteer training and equipment.
Safety at work and in the home (injury prevention)
Drilling of wells to provide access to fresh water.
Waste disposal and treatment facilities.
The advancement of environmental protection or improvement. Conservation of:
National Parks and areas along wildlife migration routes
All creatures great and small but especially Africa’s ‘Big Five’; Elephant, Lion, Leopard, Rhinocerus and Cape Buffalo.
Promotion of sustainable development and biodiversity
Promotion and implementation of recycling and sustainable waste management
Use of renewable energy sources
Regenerative Organic Agriculture
River flows and water quality
Climate change impacts
Firewood for communities
Wildlife deconfliction (Elephant proof fencing)
Crop damage compensation programs
Lifting the burden of poverty from the shoulders of a community is an essential  element of sustainability to change the long standing, deeply engrained ambivalent attitudes and behaviours of communities to value and protect wildlife. We strive to understand the culture and support the structures and livelihoods of communities thereby preventing and relieving poverty. Activities might include building co-operatives, ensuring access to markets to sell agricultural products, supporting new business creation and employment within the National Park's areas of influence.
Education & Outreach
We benefit from our sponsored education programs by generating a local qualified and experienced people. Other activities include:
The creation and funding of schools, Teachers, text books and equipment.
Training in animal welfare and agricultural techniques to improve productivity.
Sponsoring of training schemes for trades required within the parks such as mechanics, electricians, carpenters and plumbers.
Disaster Preparedness and Response
In the event of natural disaster including fire and flooding, to provide assistance as able and appropriate to National Parks, the Communities and wildlife. Provision of assistance to save life, protect the environment and property.